Address Unwanted Skin with a Tummy Tuck

woman at the beach showing off flat belly

Known in cosmetic circles as an abdominoplasty, the tummy tuck can effectively rid you of unwanted sagging skin and tighten the remaining skin and muscles. You will finally be able to fit into that dress or confidently wear a swimsuit after undergoing this popular procedure.

A Closer Look at a Tummy Tuck

The abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a surgical procedure typically involving the removal of excess skin to tone your abdominal area. This leads to a much more toned, tighter, and younger appearance. During the procedure, the underlying muscles can also be tightened.

It is important to keep in mind that a tummy tuck procedure is not considered a substitute for healthy weight loss. It is best when used on people who are overall healthy and at or very close to their ideal weight.

Lipo vs. Tummy Tuck

Whether you get a liposuction procedure or a tummy tuck is an individual decision and depends upon your wants and needs. The liposuction procedure only involves the removal of fat. Although a tummy tuck procedure can result in some fat removal, its main goal is the removal and tightening of excess skin located on your abdomen and the tightening of the underlying muscles. The procedure is usually for those who have already lost a significant amount of weight, but are left with excess skin.

If you require both skin removal and fat loss, you may wish to use a combination of a liposuction with a tummy tuck to lock in the benefits of both procedures. We can discuss this option with you during your consultation.

Good Candidates

You may make a good candidate for a tummy tuck procedure if you have been struggling to regain a toned stomach as you get older. You may also make a good candidate if you have recently undergone significant weight fluctuations or pregnancy/childbirth and require excess skin removal and muscle tightening.

Make an appointment at Salameh Plastic Surgery in Bowling Green to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Contact our office today for a consultation!

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