Who Qualifies for Male Breast Reduction?

Male Breast Reduction

Who Qualifies for a Male Breast Reduction?

The best candidates for gynecomastia surgery are healthy men with a positive outlook and realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. This procedure is an ideal option for men whose gynecomastia has not resolved itself within six months to two years after its onset (this condition often occurs during adolescence.) To prepare for the procedure, you doctor will give you a medical evaluation. The procedure is typically administered at a hospital, surgical facility, or office-based surgery center, so it is suggested to have someone drive you home when you are discharged.

How is the Procedure Administered?

If our physician determines that you would benefit from gynecomastia surgery, this process will entail reshaping the chest to your aesthetic desires. Gynecomastia surgery specifically involves removing excess breast tissue through a small opening and repositioning the nipple and areola for a natural appearance. It is important to note, however, that the surgical address of gynecomastia is not necessarily a permanent solution. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will be necessary to keep the results of the procedure, as severe weight gain can bring about the return of gynecomastia. The consumption of substances that alter testosterone levels can also play a part in the return of this condition.

Contact Us for Further Information

If you think a male breast reduction is the best way to deal with your gynecomastia, we warmly invite you to reach out and make an appointment at Salameh Plastic Surgery! At our office in Bowling Green, KY, our dedicated team of caring professionals will be eager to explain the process in full, address any questions and concerns you may have, and help you regain confidence in your body.  Contact us today  to schedule your consultation!

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