Why Artas Requires An Expert Plastic Surgeon

Smiling man who went to a hair transplant surgeon

If you’re thinking about getting a hair transplant, you’ll get the best results with the least discomfort with the ARTAS system. But even with state-of-the-art technology like ARTAS, ultimately the machine doesn’t perform the procedure. A hair transplant surgeon does. Today we’ll explore why it’s crucial that you have a real hair transplant expert working on yours.

Superior Artistic Eye

In the past, hair transplants simply didn’t look natural. The technology has progressed a great deal since then, but in the hands of someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing, it’s still certainly possible to have an awkward hair transplant.

A skilled hair transplant surgeon will be trained to know what a real, healthy hairline looks like and how to use ARTAS technology to achieve it. When you go to a hair transplant expert with a trained artistic eye, you can expect beautiful, aesthetic results.

Trained in Case of Emergencies

At the end of the day, a hair transplant is a plastic surgery, so you’ll want to be able to trust your surgeon. It’s important to have the procedure performed by an experienced hair transplant surgeon who knows how to handle a variety of circumstances.

It could be as small as troubleshooting the system if it has a hard time seeing the hair follicles, or a more serious issue. Either way, an expert plastic surgeon can take over from the robotics, implement other hair restoration techniques, and make sure you still feel good and get a result that you’re happy with. 

Protection of Donor Areas

If you don’t have a hair transplant expert guiding the follicular extraction, you could find yourself in a worst-case scenario: no successful transplant and scarring or thinning in the donor areas. 

Usually, the advanced algorithms of the ARTAS system can avoid this on their own, but if too many follicular units are extracted too close to each other, or too large extractions are made, it can happen. A trained hair transplant surgeon knows how to avoid this and keep your donor areas healthy and thick, taking just enough to cover the balding areas.

Man listening to music who has benefitted from a hair transplant expert

Recovery Instructions

ARTAS provides permanent results, but your hair will still be affected by how well you took care of it in the days immediately following your procedure. An expert plastic surgeon will understand what your scalp just went through and instruct you on what to do afterward to protect and nurture your grafted hair.

A hair transplant surgeon will often even have a follow-up appointment to examine your scalp, and they’ll know what to look for to be sure that everything is in order. When you work with an expert, you can be sure that you’re doing everything possible to get the highest-quality results.

If you’re ready to do something about your hairline, schedule an appointment for a consultation at Salameh Hair Transplant. Together we’ll discuss your aesthetic goals and decide how to help you best regain your thick, youthful locks of hair.

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