Invisible Arm Lift Surgery : Crucial Things You Need to Know

Invisible arm lift surgery or limited – Incision Brachioplasty is a procedure that involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the upper arms. It aims to improve the upper arms’ appearance by creating a more toned and defined look. 

The procedure is called an “invisible arm lift surgery” because the incisions are made in hidden areas, such as the armpit, so that they are not visible after the surgery. 

Invisible arm lift surgery can be beneficial for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight and are left with excess skin in the upper arms. This can also be a favorable option for those who have sagging or drooping skin due to aging.

In this post, we will provide a detailed and informative overview of Limited – Incision Brachioplasty or invisible arm lift surgery. We will begin by discussing who is a good candidate for the procedure and what factors may influence a person’s suitability for the surgery. 

We will then have a quick overview of the procedure, including information on anesthesia options, the length of the operation, and the recovery process. We will also discuss the risks and complications and how to minimize them. 

Finally, we will explore the results and recovery process and discuss some alternative options for improving the appearance of saggy upper arms. 

By the end of this blog post, you will have a comprehensive understanding of invisible arm lift surgery. And, hopefully, be able to make an informed decision about whether it is the best option for you.

Do I Need an Invisible Arm Lift Surgery?

Woman having a one on one consultation with Dr. Salameh for an invisible arm lift surgery.

Invisible arm lift surgery may be a good option for individuals with excess skin or fat in the upper arms that they would like to remove. This may be due to significant weight loss, aging, or genetics. Good candidates for this procedure typically have good overall health and realistic expectations for the procedure’s outcome.

Several factors may influence a person’s suitability for an arm lift surgery. These include:

  • Age: Invisible arm lift surgery is generally recommended for individuals at least 18 years old and in good overall health.
  • Skin elasticity: Good skin elasticity is essential for the best possible outcome from arm lift surgery. If the skin has poor elasticity, it may not conform to the arms’ new shape after surgery.
  • Weight: A stable weight is important for invisible arm lift surgery, as significant weight loss or gain after surgery can affect the results.
  • Health conditions: Certain health conditions, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease, may increase the risk of complications during or after invisible arm lift surgery.
  • Motivation: It is vital that individuals seeking invisible arm lift surgery are motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including maintaining a stable weight. This will help ensure the best possible results after the surgery.
  • Realistic expectations: Individuals must have realistic expectations about the results of arm lift surgery and understand that it will not completely eliminate all excess skin or fat in the arms.
  • Ability to take time off work: Arm lift surgery typically requires a recovery period of several weeks. During this time, the patient may need to take time off work.
  • Arm lift surgery cost: Arm lift surgery can be costly, and it is important to consider whether the individual has the financial means to pay for the procedure. The average Arm lift surgery costs around $7000.

Invisible Arm Lift Procedure Aftercare

Dr. Salameh and Dr. Saba performing invisible arm lift procedure and removal of lipedima in a patient's arms.

Arm lift surgeries are typically performed on an outpatient basis. Therefore, you will not need to stay overnight in the hospital. 

The procedure is usually done under general anesthesia; you will be put to sleep. However, your surgeon may also offer the option of local anesthesia with sedation, which numbs the area and helps you relax during the operation while you’re awake.

During the surgery, the surgeon will make an incision in the upper arm’s inner part or on the arm’s back. The size of the opening may depend on the amount and location of excess skin and fat. The surgeon may also tighten the underlying muscles if necessary. The incision will then be closed with sutures, and a compression garment will be applied to help support the arms and reduce swelling.

The length of the arm lift procedure will depend on the extent of the surgery being performed. In general, the procedure takes between two and three hours to complete. 

After the operation, you will be taken to a recovery area, where you will be monitored until you are fully awake and able to go home.

Recovery time after arm lift surgery will vary depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. Most people can return to work and do other normal activities within a week or two. However, it may take several weeks or months for the final results of the surgery to become fully apparent. 

Your surgeon will provide specific instructions for caring for your arms and managing pain and swelling during recovery. It is essential to follow these instructions closely to ensure the best possible outcome.

Having realistic expectations about the results of arm lift surgery is very important. While the procedure can undoubtedly improve the appearance of the upper arms, it will not stop the natural aging process or prevent future weight gain. 

Hence, maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle can help preserve the procedure’s results for as long as possible.

Arm Lift Before and After

arm lift before and after photo of a woman who underwent invisible arm lift surgery.

The results of an arm lift are long-lasting, provided that patients maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not experience significant weight fluctuations after the procedure.

The following are the expected results after an arm lift procedure:

  • Tighter, smoother skin on the upper arms
  • Improved contour and definition of the upper arms
  • Reduced sagging or drooping in the upper arms
  • Enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem

Swelling and bruising will likely occur after the procedure and may take some time to resolve. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions for managing pain and swelling during recovery. It is vital to follow these instructions closely to ensure the best possible outcome.

Alternative Treatment Options For Invisible Arm Lift

It is also essential to consider whether alternative treatment options may apply to you. Such as non-surgical procedures or lifestyle changes. These may be able to address the individual’s concerns about excess skin or fat in the arms. A consultation with a plastic surgeon is the best way to determine whether arm lift surgery would suit you.

During the consultation, the specialist will evaluate your health, assess the condition of your skin and underlying tissues, and discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure. 

You will also be informed about the potential risks and benefits of the procedure, and help you make an informed decision about whether arm lift surgery is the best choice for you.

Are there non-surgical alternatives to invisible arm lift surgery?

Dr. Salameh carefully marking the arms for arm lift surgery.

If you are interested in improving the appearance of your upper arms but are still thinking if an invisible arm lift surgery is right for you, several non-surgical alternatives may be worth considering. These options include the following:

  • Skin tightening procedures: Several non-surgical skin tightening procedures can help improve the appearance of sagging skin on the upper arms. These procedures use radiofrequency or laser energy to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin.
  • Body contouring procedure: Non-surgical body contouring procedures use freezing temperatures to destroy fat cells. While it is not explicitly designed for the upper arms, it can be used to reduce fat in this area.
  • Fat reduction injections: Certain injectable treatments can reduce fat in the upper arms. These treatments break down fat cells, which are naturally eliminated from the body.

There are several pros and cons when comparing non-surgical options to an invisible arm lift surgery. On the positive side, non-surgical options are typically less invasive and have a shorter recovery time. They also carry a lower risk of complications. On the downside, non-surgical options may not produce as dramatic or long-lasting results as arm lift surgery. They may also require multiple treatments to achieve the desired outcome.

Ultimately, the best option for you will depend on your individual goals and circumstances. A consultation with a plastic surgeon can help you weigh the pros and cons of different options and make an informed decision about the best way to improve the appearance of your upper arms.

Do you want to get an invisible arm lift surgery in Kentucky or Indiana? 

Dr. Salameh checking patient's arms before the invisible arm lift procedure.

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your upper arms? Are you ready to take control of your appearance and boost your self-confidence? Then it’s time to consider an invisible arm lift surgery at Salameh Plastic Surgery Center. 

Our team of experienced double-board-certified plastic surgeons has helped countless patients achieve the toned, defined upper arms they’ve always wanted. With state-of-the-art facilities and the latest techniques in arm lift surgery, we can help you achieve the results you’ve been dreaming of. See the photos of our before and after arm lift surgery here: before and after arm lift surgery photos

Don’t let saggy, drooping upper arms hold you back any longer. Our team is here to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision about arm lift surgery. Book a free consultation for arm lift surgery today!

Don’t wait any longer to get the arms you’ve always wanted. Contact us and take the first step towards achieving your dream arms with Salameh Plastic Surgery Center.


Patient talking to Dr. Salameh about her experiences having lipedema and arm lift surgery.

To summarize, an invisible arm lift surgery is a procedure that involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the upper arms to create a more toned and defined appearance. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. The recovery time is typically one to two weeks. While there are risks and complications associated with arm lift surgery, these can be minimized by selecting a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon and following post-operative instructions carefully.

If you are interested in arm lift surgery and want to learn more about the procedure and whether it is a good option, we encourage you to consult with a plastic surgeon. 

A consultation with a plastic surgeon will allow you to discuss your goals and expectations about the procedure. 


  • Eva Ariceaga

    Id like to know cost for an invisible arm lift surgery

  • Lorie Anderson

    Want my beautiful arms back!!

  • Smith Waugh

    Once again, thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with your readers. Your blog has proven to be an invaluable resource for anyone seeking information about the invisible arm lift surgery. I’m eagerly looking forward to exploring more of your posts in the future.

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