Awake Tummy Tuck

Awake and Confident: Transform with our Revolutionary Awake Tummy Tuck Procedure
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Awake Tummy Tuck in Indiana & Kentucky

If you’re looking to address loose skin and excess fat around your abdomen but prefer a procedure that allows you low downtime, a faster recovery period, lower risk, no drains, and no need for general anesthesia, an awake tummy tuck can be the perfect solution for you. Over time, factors such as weight gain, weight loss, aging, and pregnancy can cause the skin in your abdomen to lose elasticity, resulting in sagging and an undesirable appearance. When diet and exercise alone aren’t providing the desired results, our awake tummy tuck procedure can help you achieve a flatter and more toned stomach.

  • At Salameh Plastic Surgery Center, our team of trained experts specializes in awake tummy tucks, ensuring your comfort and safety throughout the procedure.
  • Your awake tummy tuck procedure will be performed in our state-of-the-art, fully accredited surgical facilities. Salameh Plastic Surgery Center holds the prestigious AAAASF certification, guaranteeing the highest standards of safety and patient care.
  • Our awake tummy tucks encompass a comprehensive approach to achieving optimal results. Our procedures include circumferential liposuction to the trunk area, a mons (pelvic area) lift,r, and the removal of excess skin.
  • Our skilled double-board-certified plastic surgeons strategically place incisions that are easily hidden by undergarments and swimsuits, ensuring minimal scarring and natural-looking results. Additionally, we take great care in repositioning the belly button during the procedure to make it appear as natural as possible.
*awake vs. traditional procedures

Awake Tummy Tuck

Traditional Tummy Tuck

Immediate Results
Natural Results
Lesser Anesthesia Risk
Uses only local anesthesia, making it less risky.
Uses general anesthesia - increasing anesthesia-related risks.
Lesser Downtime
Allows you to return to your daily routine within a few days.
Needs a few weeks or more recovery time.
Increased Patient Comfort
Involves minimal discomfort.
Moderate to severe discomfort during and after the procedure.
Patient Participation
You are awake, allowing communications for real-time adjustments.
You can’t communicate during the procedure.

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Awake Tummy Tuck Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an awake tummy tuck?

    An awake tummy tuck, also known as an awake abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia, allowing you to remain awake throughout the surgery. It is designed to remove excess skin and contour the abdomen for a flatter and more toned appearance.

  • How is an awake tummy tuck different from a traditional tummy tuck?

    Compared to the traditional method, the procedure’s benefits include minimized post-procedure discomfort without the need for drainage tubes, ensuring a smoother recovery process. Awake tummy is also more cost-effective as the procedure utilizes local anesthesia, making it a more affordable option than the traditional method, which requires general anesthesia. The procedure also offers quicker recovery time, allowing you to resume your daily activities sooner.

  • Am I a suitable candidate for an awake tummy tuck?

    The procedure is particularly beneficial for those who prefer to avoid general anesthesia or may have medical conditions that make them ineligible. A consultation with our plastic surgeon will help determine if you are suitable for an awake tummy tuck.

  • Will I feel any pain during an awake tummy tuck?

    The use of local anesthesia ensures that you will not feel any pain during the awake tummy tuck procedure. However, you may experience mild discomfort or pressure sensations as the surgeon works on your abdomen.

  • What is the recovery process like after an awake tummy tuck?

    As mentioned above, the recovery process after an awake tummy tuck is generally quicker and easier than a traditional one. Also, since general anesthesia is not used, there is usually less postoperative grogginess and a faster return to normal activities.

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