Sagging Buttocks Before And After

Overweight woman with fat cellulite legs and buttocks, before after concept, obesity female body with painted surgical lines and arrows

As we get older or experience certain life-changing events, our bodies will undergo changes. Saggy buttocks are an issue that can affect anyone. However, it is more common for women. The way women’s bodies work is that they naturally accumulate more fat around the hips and buttocks compared with men. If your buttocks appear to be sagging, and it’s troubling you, Salameh Plastic Surgery Center will explain everything you should know about this issue.

A sagging buttock can cause women to feel less confident in themselves. A sagging buttock shouldn’t be something women must live with. Many steps can be taken to avoid sagging buttocks. If the problem is apparent, there are options like saggy buttock surgery and non-surgical options to consider. If you ever decide to opt for surgery, you can make an appointment with Dr. Salameh or Dr. Saba plastic surgeon.

While certain women are naturally blessed with an elongated, voluminous back, the truth is that most women don’t have the back they’d like. Consider that as we age, the waistline begins to shrink, and often, you’re faced with women who aren’t content with their figures.

Causes of Sagging Buttocks

The firmness of the buttocks is attributed to the gluteal muscles, which are the muscles that dominate your buttocks. They are strong and contribute to your buttocks’ taut and firm appearance.

Most of the time, the buttocks begin to sag because of aging. As we age, the gluteal muscles naturally lose a bit in strength and muscle. That means that the buttocks start a decline in the firm look they once had. Additionally, the absence of exercise and an inadequate diet could contribute to the problem.

A lifestyle that doesn’t include enough exercise and possibly bad diet choices can contribute to the sagging of your buttocks. Exercise is a great way to improve the tone of the gluteal muscles and help burn calories. If you don’t exercise, this will cause fat cells to sit in between the skin and the gluteal muscles. This could lead to stretchy skin. The appearance of stretched skin can cause the buttocks to appear to be sagging.

In other situations, the act of sitting for an extended duration of time could result in an enlarged buttock. There are certain occupations where the need to sit still is a necessity. Unfortunately, jobs requiring people in a sitting posture can worsen a sagging buttock. This is because it triggers fat cells around the buttocks, causing them to lose shape.

Additionally, losing a significant amount of weight may lead to sagging buttocks. In excess, fat cells can cause skin cells to stretch. If we lose weight, our skin will return to the way it was in the past. With aging, the skin loses its elasticity and can’t return to how it was. The result is extra skin, which can result in the appearance of sagging buttocks.

Diet and Lifestyle

As we mentioned earlier, an unflattering buttock is a significant link to a weak gluteal muscle. There’s an equidistant line between an unbalanced buttock and how you live. Of course, aging and other genetic factors may be a factor. However, there are steps that can be taken to build and tone the gluteal muscles and at a minimum, delay the sagging of your buttocks. Regarding eating habits, this alone will not solve any problems but can play a crucial part.

Avoiding processed food items added sugars, and calorie-dense foods is an absolute requirement. Some of the recommended exercises include squats and bridges with a side-lying angle, side-lying leg raises, one-leg kickbacks, and lunges. These exercises are designed to target those gluteal muscles. They also build and tone muscles located in the lower back and the upper leg.

Surgical Options to Treat Saggy Buttocks

It is not uncommon for women to consider the possibility of a saggy buttock surgery. Also known as a buttock lift, the procedure is performed under a general anesthetic. It takes between 1 and 2 hours to finish. The reason why women opt for this procedure is that the outcomes are often outstanding. Sagging buttocks could affect people’s confidence and hinder the wearer from wearing certain clothes and bathing suits. A lift of the buttocks can help change the entire look of your body.

The outcomes of buttocks that undergo a lift include buttocks lifted and transformed, with a reduced volume, more defined and firmer, removing skin and excess fat, and moving skin for shape and contour. If you book an appointment to see Dr. Bernard Salameh, you can discover exactly what a buttock lift can help you. Dr. Salameh will be able to examine your needs and confirm that surgery is the best option to satisfy your needs.

Salameh Plastic SurgeryCenter also offers solutions to other problems which can be observed in the lower portion and lower back. This could lead to an overall better body image and boost confidence. Surgery options that complement the buttock lift include liposuction, thighplasty, and abdominoplasty.

Candidate for a Buttocks Lift

Attaining a healthy weight can be an amazing achievement. However, losing fat causes some people to experience an elongated buttock. Based on the amount of weight you lose, you might experience slight skin folds or sagging that can cause discomfort. If you find loose skin unattractive and uncomfortable, you might be a good candidate for a buttock lift.                                                                                                                                            


It’s crucial to attain an appropriate weight before the procedure. Give it some time if you’re still not achieving your weight loss goals. Weight loss is the primary cause of skin that is sagging. You don’t want to correct the lax skin now only for further wrinkles to develop in the future.

To be eligible for cosmetic surgery, you must satisfy certain requirements. Certain health issues may hinder the possibility of surgery, such as being overweight or having underlying factors that may lead to stroke. If you’re a cigarette smoker, you’ll need to stop first. Nicotine has been proven to slow healing and raise the risk of developing complications.

You can also visit us at Salameh Plastic Surgery Center – Bowling Green, Kentucky, and Salameh Plastic Surgery – Newburgh/Evansville, Indiana.


Much like many people with sagging buttocks due to weight loss or the inevitable process known as aging, a sagging bum cannot be corrected through diet and exercise. If you have excessive skin, a buttock lift could be necessary to lift your bum into an ideal position for your age.

There are various ways to increase the fullness of the buttocks. However, we recommend Brazilian Butt Lift and 360 Degree Liposuction. It is a well-known lifting, enhancing, and reshaping procedure that moves fat from one area of your physique to the glutes. We do not use foreign substances, such as silicone and saline. Since we utilize your body’s own materials, there’s almost no chance of complications or rejection. It’s also a far more natural-looking and more comfortable choice.

If you’re concerned about the procedure, visit us at Salameh Plastic Surgery Center – Bowling Green, Kentucky, and Salameh Plastic Surgery Center – Newburgh/Evansville, Indiana.


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