Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin with Kybella

Double Chin Treatment with Kybella

Kybella® is a revolutionary treatment that has helped many say goodbye to their double chin. A double chin may negatively impact your appearance in the same way that unwanted wrinkles and fine lines do. It can make you look older, it can make you look fatter, and it can negatively affect your profile.

Kybella® is an FDA approved treatment that melts away the submental fat under your chin. The result is that you are left with a more defined, attractive, and youthful appearance.

What Causes a Double Chin?

There are a number of reasons why you may have a double chin. Age-related fat accumulation, genetics, putting on weight, and skin laxity are all reasons. A double chin does not respond to diet and exercise. The only way to get rid of your double chin without surgery is to take advantage of the cosmetic treatment known as Kybella® .

How Kybella® Can Help You

The result of Kybella® speaks for itself. More than 80 percent of individuals who chose this treatment option during clinical trials saw a significant improvement in their double chin and were satisfied with the treatments. To get the greatest benefit from treatment, you may need multiple treatment sessions that are spaced around the month apart. During your consultation with our cosmetic professionals, we will be able to determine the number of injections and treatments you will need.

Is Kybella® Right for Me?

When determining your candidacy for this treatment, our team will look at your health history, the quality of your skin, and the condition that is causing your double chin.

Treatments take between 15 minutes and 20 minutes. Once the treatment is done, you can immediately go back to your normal activities.

Kybella® produces results within the first few weeks after treatment. The results are long-lasting because the fat cells are not just reduced, they are completely destroyed. Kybella® offers you an effective way to say goodbye to your double chin for good.

Learn about the benefits of Kybella® during a consultation with our team at Salameh Plastic SurgeryContact us today start your journey to a profile you love.

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