Looking to Erase Body Fat? Consider a Tummy Tuck

Consider A Tummy Tuck

What is the Procedure Like?

During the procedure, small openings are made on the abdomen around the pubic area. The stretched abdominal muscles are gently put back in position, followed by the removal of excess skin, the tightening of the skin that remains, and the sealing of the openings. As a result of this process you will retain a flatter and more sculpted core. This cutting-edge approach offers you noticeable aesthetic results without the need for vigorous exercise.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Anyone who feels dissatisfied with the appearance of their midsection and has sagging abdominal skin due to pregnancy, weight loss, or weight gain is an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck. It also helps to stay positive while having realistic expectations about the procedure.

If you’re considering a tummy tuck to eliminate your body fat, feel free to get in touch and make an appointment with Salameh Plastic Surgery! At our office in Bowling Green, our friendly staff of compassionate professionals will be happy to explain the process in full, help determine your candidacy, address your questions and concerns, and help you achieve the slimmer frame you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to set up a consultation!

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