Non-Surgical Treatments To Try Before, Or With, Artas

A man with great hair due to no surgical hair restoration

ARTAS is an incredible advancement in hair transplantation. But if even minimally invasive procedures make you anxious, or you want to supplement your ARTAS treatment, there are plenty of nonsurgical hair restoration options that can also deliver dramatic results. These are some of Salameh Hair Transplant’s favorite noninvasive hair restoration treatments.

Hair Rejuvenation Shampoo

Filled with restorative ingredients like sage leaf extract, clover flower, and more, the medical-grade Hair Rejuvenation Shampoo creates the optimal environment for hair growth when used regularly. Not only does it clean your hair, but it also nourishes the scalp, fortifies what’s already growing, and helps repair damaged hair.

When you’re looking for nonsurgical hair restoration, it helps to start with the basics. A shampoo that’s strong but also gentle is the first among them. This shampoo expands individual follicles and renews each strand. That gives them an energizing boost to stay thick and healthy so your hair has every opportunity to grow on its own without surgical intervention.

Hair Rejuvenation Conditioner

Noninvasive hair restoration is about nourishing and supporting what’s already there, and that’s exactly what Hair Rejuvenation Conditioner does. The Panthenol in the formula supports and protects each follicle, so young hair doesn’t break off quickly close to the root. It reinforces fullness and restores volume to damaged hair.

The conditioner is also great for nonsurgical hair restoration because it helps your hair retain the right kind of moisture, ensuring that it doesn’t stay or become dry and brittle. That moisture combined with the formula’s conditioning support allows hair to grow long and strong without breaking. Not only are follicles aided in the growth of hair, but the hair itself stays healthy, too.

Hair Rejuvenation Serum

If you’re looking for a topical product that achieves your nonsurgical hair restoration goals, you can’t do much better than Hair Rejuvenation Serum. Not only is it easy to apply, but it’s incredibly effective. It doesn’t just help the hair that’s there, it also prevents the biggest cause of hair loss, helping you stop or even reverse the trend on your scalp.

The catalyst for male pattern baldness is called DHT. The formula in our Hair Rejuvenation Serum inhibits the enzyme that creates it, stopping baldness in its tracks. Plus, it improves the proteins in the dermal papilla, which improves hair anchoring, so you can have stronger, thicker, fuller hair. And for these incredible benefits, all you have to do is massage it into your scalp.

Sitting man very pleased with his noninvasive hair restoration

The Hair Regrowth Kit

Each of the above-mentioned hair products is effective on its own. But if you’re concerned about the advancement of your hair loss, or you want to supercharge your response, then consider getting all three together with the complete Hair Regrowth Kit for optimal nonsurgical hair restoration. Together the three products become more than the sum of their parts.

The clinical benefits of the serum combined with the nourishment of the shampoo and the protection of the conditioner are a proven method of noninvasive hair restoration. Within 30 days you’ll find that your hair is thicker, fuller, stronger, and that there’s more of it. There’s no better set of topicals to supplement ARTAS treatment, or just support the hair you have now.

PRP Hair Restoration

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy is a nonsurgical hair restoration procedure that can produce ongoing and impressive results in relatively fast treatments. It takes four appointments four weeks apart each, and then maintenance treatments every six months. You may see some regrowth right away, but most patients enjoy their best improvement in about a year.

It involves blood being drawn from your arm and placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the red blood cells. The plasma is then injected into your scalp to stimulate follicles and ensure they have all the oxygen and nutrients they need to produce new, strong hair. It is usually recommended in combination with hair products and/or ARTAS.

If you’re starting to become concerned about thinning hair, don’t worry. There are plenty of nonsurgical hair restoration options that can give you remarkable improvements with easy treatments. Call us and schedule a consultation to find out which treatments could be the best and most effective for you.

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