What Makes Kybella an Effective Double Chin Treatment?

middle-aged woman slightly touching chin after double chin removal

What Is Kybella®?

Kybella® is a non-surgical, FDA-approved procedure that dissolves excess fat from your chin, giving you a slim jawline without surgery, lasers, or liposuction. After a few treatments with Kybella®, your double chin will be gone forever.

How Does Kybella® Work?

Kybella® uses deoxycholic acid, a compound that occurs naturally in the human body. This compound causes fat cells to shrink and eventually melt. During a double chin treatment, our doctor or spa technician injects this substance directly into the fat of your chin. Over time, the fat cells are absorbed into the body and eventually washed away.

Benefits of Kybella®

  • It makes your face look younger, slimmer, and better proportioned.
  • It is a non-surgical, FDA-approved treatment.
  • The recovery is brief and there is no downtime.
  • The cost of Kybella® is far less than the cost of surgery or liposuction.
  • It works quickly, often in just one or two sessions.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Kybella®?

This double chin treatment is ideal for anyone who wants to get rid of their double chin but doesn’t want the cost, downtime or long recovery period of surgery or liposuction.

Because Kybella® works with your body’s natural processes, it does not give you instant results. Your skin needs time to heal. After that, it begins retracting and shedding fat cells over the next few weeks. You will see a smaller chin in about a month and continue to see improvements for the next eight weeks.

How Many Sessions Will You Need?

Some people are happy with the results they get after one treatment. Most people need two or three, and a small number of people need up to six. Our doctor or technician can discuss your goals and help you outline the best double chin treatment plan.

The good news is that Kybella® gives you permanent results. As long as you maintain your weight, you won’t develop a double chin again and won’t need any further treatments.

What Is the Kybella® Procedure Like?

The Kybella® procedure is quick. You can fit it into your regular schedule without worrying about taking time off. You simply schedule an appointment with our doctor or medical spa, walk in and have the injections administered.

Learn More about Kybella®

If you’re tired of a pudgy double chin that makes you look older and heavier, Kybella® at Salameh Plastic Surgery is an excellent solution. We are conveniently located in Bowling Green, KY. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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