Does ARTAS Actually Work? 5 Things You May Not Know About this Revolutionary Procedure

close up of artas machine

If you’re familiar with Salameh Plastic Surgery and Skin Care, you’ve probably read about our ARTAS hair transplant system. But you might be wondering what exactly ARTAS is and why we love it so much. Join us today as we explain this revolutionary system and why we rely on it for all of our hair transplants.

1. It Helps Us Work

As you might imagine, a hair transplant requires steady hands and a grounded mind. Dr. Salameh needs to devote as much of his time and energy as possible into making sure your hair transplant looks naturally full and fantastic, but that concentration can be dulled in a typical procedure thanks to the busywork that the process entails. ARTAS cuts out much of the repetitive motion and task management that takes up time in the original procedure, making sure that your doctors can spend more time making sure your results are beautiful.

2. The Science is Sound

ARTAS was designed by the doctors and physicians who use it and need it the most to make sure that every robotic hair restoration looks as good—or better—than those that are done entirely with human hands. Rigorously tested and updated to the point of perfection, you can rest assured that ARTAS is the first and only resource that the most forward-thinking hair transplant practitioners rely on.

3. The Results are Great

We could spend all day loading you up with jargon, but instead of doing that we’ll let the first entry in our FAQ speak for itself as to how this robotic hair transplant works and the superior results it gets over traditional methods:

The ARTAS System uses digital imaging, precision robotics, and an intelligent algorithm to plot the harvesting and grafting of healthy follicles. Minimally invasive and accurate, there is no need for surgical removal of tissue from any area of your head. You won’t experience any scarring in your scalp and there is no need for staples or suturing during this type of hair transplant procedure. Because you don’t have to worry about stitches healing, your recovery time is much quicker than with manual hair transplant procedures.

Before and after examples of ARTAS transplant

4. It Works Well with Other Hair Products

ARTAS robotic hair restoration is a magnificent thing all on its own, but like all proper treatments it only improves when it’s combined with the perfect mix of proper aftercare and vetted supplements. No one procedure can work its magic all on its own, but thankfully the ease of the robotic hair transplant process also translates into simplicity in follow up and aftercare.

5. It’s Being Handled by the Best

No matter how advanced or innovative it may be, any tool is only as useful as the hands that are using it, and when ARTAS is placed in the hands of Dr. Bernard Salameh it can be a magical thing indeed. With scores of awards and accreditations given by everything from Yale university to a ringer of daytime television appearances, Dr. Salameh has proven time and again that there’s good reason to trust Kentucky Hair Transplant above the competition. Choosing us is choosing the most friendly and knowledgeable plastic surgeon you can find. It’s also choosing to invest in the natural, youthful looking results you truly deserve.

Experience the Kentucky Hair Transplant Difference for Yourself

You can read all day about what a fantastic choice ARTAS will be for your robotic hair restoration, but why not see what all the fuss is about and experience it for yourself? When you come to us for a hair transplant, you’ll be situated in scenic Bowling Green, Kentucky, where a world-class suite of friendly medical professionals will provide everything from the procedures you need to the pampering you crave at our medical spa and beyond. Coming to us isn’t just a surefire way to start looking better—you’ll exit our facility feeling better as well!

To get started with the ARTAS experience and give yourself the looks you know you deserve, send us a message right now and ask us how we can help. We think you’ll agree that our confidence is well deserved when you take the plunge and chart a voyage to Salameh Plastic Surgery and Hair Transplant today.

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