The Most Popular Plastic Surgeries for Under the Eyes

a woman prepares for blepharoplasty

The eyes are one of the most beautiful features of the face, if not the face’s most beautiful feature. In general, due to the soft skin under your eyes and how much you move your eyelids and the surrounding muscles, the eyes show signs of aging faster than many other features. Luckily, there are effective plastic surgeries for under the eyes—along with a few nonsurgical options—that can improve their appearance and your confidence!

Blepharoplasty/Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is one of the most performed cosmetic procedures in the United States and a particularly popular plastic surgery for hooded eyes. Blepharoplasty involves removing excess fat or skin from the upper and lower eyelids.

While plastic surgery for under the eyes is often done for purely cosmetic reasons, blepharoplasty can be helpful for those who have drooping eyelids that get in the way of their vision. However, this procedure is also beloved by people who just simply want an effective plastic surgery for baggy eyes. After a blepharoplasty, you’ll appear more refreshed, more youthful, and you may have better vision thanks to no longer having to deal with vision-obscuring hooded skin!

During a blepharoplasty, incisions are placed around the creases of the upper eyelid and occasionally the outer lower rim of the eye’s skin. This is an outpatient plastic surgery for hooded eyes, meaning that patients can simply go home later that day.

Tear Trough Treatment

An innovative alternative to plastic surgery for under the eyes is tear trough treatment. Also known as tear trough fillers, this treatment can rejuvenate the under-eye area, and last for months to years with a proper diet and an effective skin care routine.

A simple injection of dermal fillers to add volume beneath the eyelids, tear trough treatments are completed in a single short session. The convenience and quickness of the procedure make it a great option to consider instead of plastic surgery for under the eyes for anyone who is frustrated by having “hollow” eyes or dark circles.

A tear trough treatment can sometimes cause mild swelling and bruising for a day or two, but other than that, there is minimal downtime after the procedure.

close up of a beautiful woman’s green eyes and forehead


You don’t often think of Botox or Dysport as being a substitute for plastic surgery for baggy eyes. But the potent injection temporarily blocks the muscles from contracting, to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. This is why Botox/Dysport is a popular injection for between the brows or for crow’s feet.

By injecting the Botox/Dysport into the muscles that are causing sagging or wrinkling skin, you’ll notice visible benefits in fine lines and other signs of aging—results that rival any other plastic surgery for under the eyes! Plus, the Botox/Dysport injection will also help prevent future signs of aging to create results that last.

Getting a Botox/Dysport injection is another simple, outpatient procedure. For downtime, all you need to do is remain upright for at least four hours afterwards and listen closely to any other instructions, making this a great procedure for busy people. One treatment can last for up to 3 months, while continual treatments are advised for optimal results.

a plastic surgeon touches a woman’s temples

Liquid Facelift

Liquid facelifts are beloved for how they produce the telltale refreshed appearance of a facelift and mimic the benefits of plastic surgery for under the eyes but do all this in a completely noninvasive way. A combination of Botox/Dysport and filler treatments, a liquid facelift plumps, relaxes, and fills in lines across your entire face.

Before receiving a liquid facelift, each patient meets with our team—which is led and handpicked by world-renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Bernard Salameh—to discuss their personal beauty goals. Together, they determine what areas to target, and which treatments would be most effective. A well-designed liquid facelift can be just as effective as plastic surgery for under the eyes, along with the rest of the face.

The full series of injections takes only a few minutes and is 100% customized to the patient’s natural features.

Whether you’re considering plastic surgery for hooded eyes, plastic surgery for baggy eyes, or a nonsurgical procedure for either of these problems, there’s an option for you at Salameh Plastic Surgery. If you’re in the Bowling Green, KY area, make an appointment for a consultation and find the best procedure for your needs today!

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