7 Ways Your Pregnant Body Will Change (And What You Can Do About It)

A woman in a white dress hugging her pregnant stomach against a white background

Bringing new life into the world is one of the most joyful experiences many women can have, but sometimes the changes to your body that accompany pregnancy aren’t so ideal. It is unavoidable that body changes during pregnancy will occur, but many of these changes don’t have to stay with you for life if you don’t want them to! Learn more about how your body may morph during pregnancy, and what your options are for treating the changes that may occur.

1. Increased Hunger

The expression “eating for two” when it comes to the appetite of pregnant women is a literal statement of fact: your body requires extra nutrients to carry a healthy baby to term, and the only way to get them effectively is to eat more!

How to Solve It: Increased hunger is a pregnancy body change you feel, not see, so there’s no post pregnancy plastic surgery for this change! Just be sure to eat a well-rounded diet that includes healthy fats rich in nutrients, such as yogurt and fish, to ensure your baby is getting all the nutrients and vitamins it needs.

2. More Cellulite

It’s fairly likely that cellulite will either appear or increase during pregnancy, thanks to the combination of weight gain, water retention, skin stretching, and genetics, if applicable. Cellulite is a non-harmful, natural occurrence, and will happen to almost every woman, but it can still have adverse effects on your self-esteem if its appearance bothers you.

How to Solve It: Since cellulite is one of the most common pregnancy body changes, there are many nonsurgical procedures that exist to address it, such as Sculptra injectable dermal filler, subcision, vacuum assisted release, and fat-dissolving injections. You should consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine which of these procedures will be best for your body.

3. Breast Size Fluctuation

Another common pregnancy body change occurs in the breasts, which quickly change size as they prepare to lactate. In most cases, breasts will increase in size, but they have also been known to sag with pregnancy, as well.

How to Solve It: If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts after giving birth, take heart: breast procedures are one of the most popular and frequently-performed post pregnancy plastic surgery procedures. In the hands of a good plastic surgeon, this pregnancy body change can be addressed with the best breast procedure for you, whether that’s a breast reduction, lift, or augmentation.

4. Hair Growth

One of the more welcome changes that can happen to your pregnant body is that your hair may get longer and more luscious. This is because the increase in hormones during pregnancy gives your body extra resources to facilitate healthy hair.

How to Solve It: A lovely new head of hair is not exactly a pregnancy body change that calls for post pregnancy plastic surgery, but if you find yourself unprepared to care for such thick, long hair — or wanting to make sure your hair stays this way forever! — high-quality hair products are a wise investment.

5. Vaginal Changes

When giving birth, parts of your vagina will naturally be subject to changes. Even in the midst of your pregnancy, you can expect your uterus to enlarge and the outer regions of your vagina to widen in preparation for delivery.

How to Solve It: If vaginal changes are among the pregnancy body changes that you would like to address, one post pregnancy plastic surgery that can help is a labiaplasty, which reshapes or reduces the size of your labia.

6. Belly Swelling

A close-up picture of a pregnant stomach being cradled by the woman’s hands

Your belly is going to be larger than normal during pregnancy, seeing as how you are carrying a child in it! However, the stretched skin may remain after having given birth, resulting in the appearance of excess skin that some women may not enjoy.

How to Solve It: Almost no belly is safe from the effects of giving birth, but addressing this pregnancy body change can be as simple as scheduling a tummy tuck to get rid of this loose skin.

7. Widening Hips

Thanks to a curvy body being the trend du jour, wider hips are another change that many women may welcome! However, one adverse effect of widening hips is that it can cause fat to distribute unevenly across your lower body, leaving stretch marks or other irregularities in the skin.

How to Solve It: There are many post pregnancy plastic surgery options to address the pregnancy body changes that can come with widening hips. Options include a Brazilian butt lift to give your rear more volume and fat transfers to give your body a more balanced fat distribution.

Love Your Post Pregnancy Body with Salameh Plastic Surgery and Skin Care

No matter what you may be undergoing during or after your pregnancy, Salameh Plastic Surgery has the tools and expertise available to help you reach your beauty goals. Our qualified staff is ready to address any of your pregnancy body changes with the care and attention you deserve. In addition, our beautiful Bowling Green, Kentucky location makes the ideal locale for you to rest and recuperate after a challenging pregnancy — even if it occurred five years ago! Whether you have just given birth or are living with the stretch marks of years past, we likely offer just the boost you need to look and feel your best. Contact us now and make an appointment with Salameh Plastic Surgery today.

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