Stave off Aging with These Healthy Living Tips & Anti-Aging Procedures

a young woman exercising with a sports ball

The aging process can be hard to deal with. But don’t let your busy schedule get in the way of looking good, because these three simple anti-aging tips will help you stave off signs of aging, especially when coupled with some of our most sought-after anti-aging procedures. Give these tips a try today, and get in touch with us to discuss our plastic surgery options. Feel as great as you look while glowing from the inside out every day!

Simple Anti-Aging Tips

1. Wake up 20 minutes earlier and drink a glass of lemon water.

To start the day right, it’s important to set yourself up for success. Drinking a glass of freshly squeezed lemon water first thing every morning helps hydrate your skin while reducing inflammation. Your skin will be healthier and more radiant with lemon water helping to detox impurities.

Wondering what to do with that extra twenty minutes? Studies show that as few as ten minutes of meditation and another ten for a workout will make you happier, more energized, less stressed out, and even add a youthful glow to your skin! These two seemingly small steps can make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself and your life. Meditation helps with stress management, while working out has been proven to reduce anxiety, so not only will you enjoy physical benefits, you’ll also flourish mentally.

2. Don’t miss SPF. 

Sun protection is one of our most important anti-aging tips for maintaining healthy skin. You may be spending more time indoors for work or other reasons, but even when we’re inside, it’s still necessary to take precautions against harmful UV rays coming through your windows. Dr. Laura Scott warns that indirect sunlight can still lead to both skin cancer and wrinkles, recommending protection of SPF 30 or higher daily. Since we all experience sun damage to some extent, however, one of our anti-aging procedures for the face or body may also help reverse the effects of UV exposure and achieve that desirable youthful glow.

3. Make silk pillowcases your best friend.

Silk pillowcases are a beauty secret and anti-aging tip that you should know about. The smooth fabric is gentler on your skin, helping prevent wrinkles and fine lines from developing over time! If you’re vegan but still want to keep your skin looking healthy and young, Lyocell fabric made of bamboo is a perfect alternative, because it doesn’t absorb moisture the way regular cotton does!

Our Top Anti-Aging Procedures

Face Procedures

A doctor doing a face anti-aging procedure for patient

The latest in medical technology and anti-aging procedures will allow you to maintain a youthful appearance, even as the years start to add up. Face procedures are an excellent option for tightening your underlying facial structure below the surface and removing excess skin to reveal more youthful features, fewer wrinkles, and a tighter neck and jawline with minimal downtime.

One example is a facelift. This procedure will help reduce wrinkles or fix drooping skin around the eyes or mouth area. The surgeon will work on your face’s deeper layers by separating muscle tissue from your facial layer before lifting or trimming as necessary. Bonus tip: recovery for this anti-aging step usually takes about seven weeks post-surgery.

Body Procedures

The possibilities for enhancing your body shape are endless. Dr. Salameh’s procedures help sculpt your personal canvas to achieve your desired silhouette. He offers a wide array of procedures to enhance the results of your healthy lifestyle practices for a beautiful, youthful appearance.

Liposuction is an innovative treatment for body contouring. The procedure removes stubborn fat cells from problem areas of your body, including the thighs and stomach, to shape you into a slimmer version of yourself. It offers both minimal downtime and noticeable results immediately after treatment.

Breast Procedures

a woman smiling on the beach

Customize your look and reflect the way you feel inside with anti-aging breast procedures. You can get a bust lift, breast augmentation, or reduction for natural-looking yet dramatic results that will last for years. Fuller, more shapely breasts are attainable with the help of implants. Doctors recommend that patients in recovery from surgery reduce their level of activity to gentle, low-impact activity for a few weeks to allow their body time to heal before resuming high-impact sports.

Beauty is about what makes you confident in your own skin, no matter your age or stage of life. Our top three anti-aging tips can help you achieve your desired natural look. If these hacks alone aren’t enough, let us help you choose the right plastic surgery procedures to achieve the results you crave. Our team is here to provide personalized recommendations for your specific needs. Call us today to learn more!

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